Ciao, My Way readers! I'm Monica (aka Chessa!) from Ciao, Chessa! I am so excited to be a part of Carlotta's guest post series. Thank you, Carlotta!
Among other things, I am a New Yorker, a self-taught photographer and a Corporate Dropout (well, I became a dropout just over a year ago when I left my job as a fancy New York City corporate lawyer). I left all that, the crazy hours, the lucrative and steady pay and the security, to pursue my dream of working as a photographer. It was a huge risk and it was very scary at first but I have never been happier. One of my favorite things about being my own boss is that I make my own rules.
I love what I do and the one thing that inspires me, other than my wonderful husband and my family, is my hometown - New York City. I love this city. I love the energy, the diversity, the anonymity, the feeling that you may be walking down the street alone, but are always accompanied...New York inspires me and motivates me.
Since I work from home, some days, if I am really busy, I rarely make it out of the house for more than five minutes. I get up and have coffee and then I sit at my desk and the next thing I know it's 3:00 and then I have no idea where the day went. I noticed that this was happening a lot so I decided that I would get up and go out before even starting work. Some days it's only 20 minutes. Other days it's a few hours. The beauty of being self-employed is that you can make your own rules and schedule...I decided that I would take advantage of that!
So...I begin every day with a walk...sometimes short, sometimes long, but always...always...inspiring. I take my camera with me every where I go so of course I throw it over my shoulder when I go for my daily walks.
I love New York. This is how I see it...
Happy Friday!
I'd love to hear from you so please stop by Ciao, Chessa! to say hi:)
Thanks, again, Carlotta! xo
Today's soundtrack:
Madonna - Jump