It's quite impossible to name them all ,but british (irish scottish welsh too!) actors, muscians models & co are so many so talented and so hot!! I'm watching many movies during these days and I've realized that, UK 1 - Rest of the Word 0 , sorry but we've to admit that! They have the sexiest man and woman, the most brilliant actors ever (Emma Thompson Kate Winslet Gary Oldman Jeremy Irons..) I've to admit the best football players the most amazing accent so sexy and so elegant and hot..perfect humans, how can you resist to a British accent with the Tom Wisdom face??? Or a strong accent in the Gerard Butler body??? I CAN'T!! It's maybe because I've lived in the UK and I adore that country, I miss my days there . If you think that we've to thank the Great Britain for Shakespeare Oscar Wilde the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and for many many other amazing artists, God Save the Queen and all those awesome people!! Who's your fav?
(Robert Pattinson Jude Law Ewan McGregor Gerard Butler Colin Firth Hugh Grant Gary Oldman Jonathan Rhys Meyers Tom Wisdom Orlando Bloom James Purefoy Ben Barnes)
...and to show my love for the UK I've bought this Union Jack Clutch!! It's an hint for the upcoming giveaway to celebrate MY WAY 1st Bday!