Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Get in Touch


Hello everybody!! I'm feeling kinda sick today, no sleep at all last night, my insomnia is back and I feel like a zombie! btw I'm receiving some request of link exchange, how to find me on social networks etc etc..
-Regarding the link exchange please feel free to add my blog in your blog roll , just sent me a message or leave me a comment so I can add you on my blog roll as well.
- my email is carlotta@marsicano.com
- my Facebook page
- my Myspace page (I don't use very much Myspace so I'm sorry if I won't reply soon)
- Twitter page

Some of you asked if I'll post some outfit pics, I'd love to but I need to "learn" how to take a pgood hoto with the self timer , btw I'll post my outfit as soon as I can!
Thanx a lot for all the nice comments you always leave!!